Smoking, drinking and drugs

This category contains 1 post

Why smoking is a sin ?

I smoked for a few years and I’m not at all excited about it, but now I no longer smoke. It has been 6 years from since I quit smoking. How did I do it? I didn’t want to quit and quitting was neither in my plans for future, because I’d liked it.

I and my best friend were going to church every Sunday, staying only 5 minutes and lighting a candle, praying a bit and then leaving. One day, we arrived exactly at the sermon and the priest was presenting several books that you can buy right out from the Church. The book that I stirred the greatest interest was “Smoking is a sin” and I returned the next day and I bought it. I read it as soon as I got home, but honestly I tell you that I did not have high expectations from it. After I finished reading it I decided to quit smoking. From that time until today, with God’s help I’ve never touched the cigarette. I did not know almost anything about God and yet what I read in that book changed me. Read more